Favorites File
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I really need some help ... what happened to my favorites file?
My favorites file disappeared from my windows desktop today, can you advise?
My favorites file
It was here yesterday but now my garment favorites file is not where it should be...
Garmin favorites file
I'm at a loss and have no idea where my tomtom favorites file went?
My favorites file is gone, how can I recover it? I'm using Internet explorer and windows 7.
Tomtom favorites file
Favorites file
Made on an iPad
Can't find your favorites file?


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The location of my ie favorites file has changed, help please?
Ie favorites file location
I need guidance for file edit view favorites tool help please?
File edit view favorites tool help
Can you help me get my IE favorites file back?
Ie favorites file
What is the actual favorites file location on my computer hard drive?
Favorites file location

Privacy policy

Favoritesfile.com is a site dedicated to answering questions about how to recover a lost favorites file.

We invite questions related to favorites file recovery or really anything about favorites file, folder or bookmarks. Favoritesfile.com does not track personally identifiable information about visitors and does not in any way collect private information. Also we do not intend to contact or in anyway engage visitors.

The sole purpose of this site is to provide helpful and thoughtful information related to recovering a lost favorites file. Whether the favorites bookmark icon disappeared from the desktop or if a backup copy of the favorites is sought or if any other info on the favorites file is frequently asked of us, then we will try to provide the most thoughtful information possible on this topic.

In the hopes that we can make a few dollars to help support this website we provide a link to a great product called Sparktrust Inspector, on almost every page of our website. This tool will scan for incorrect or suspicious files on your computer and then guide you through fixing the issues in an easy to follow and thorough way.

You may have also noticed that our site is developed on an iPad. Well the initial design was anyway... for adding and updating content I'm back to using Microsoft FrontPage.